

My method of raw levis LVC 501 before wearing

I think it is dificult to fade raw LVC 501 like vintage 501 , because LVC fabric is softer than vintage 501.

Because of that ,  I don´t take off the glue (starch) on raw LVC 501 , though I shrink raw LVC before wearing .



My method of raw levis LVC 501 before wearing

1.Soak in water in about 3 to 5 minutes 


Raw denim shirnk when it is soaked completely in water.

if raw deinm is soaked in over 5-10 minits , the glue on raw LVC 501 will dissolve.

I think  that it is more dificult to fade raw LVC like vintage 501 without the glue .

So , my LVC jeans are  soaked in about 3 to 5 minutes to shrink .


I soak the jeans in a sunny day with little humidity , because it is easy to dry .

I use cold water ( tap water ) without heating .

In japan , best season is fall to beginning of winter .


2.Spin-dry in about 3 to 5 minutes 



3.Wear wet LVC , sit cross-legged for whiskers  and honeycombs


wear wet LVC 



and sit cross-legged to make whiskers for whiskers  and honeycombs.

take it off as possible as with keeping wrinkles .


4.Natural drying 


 LVC 501 will dry with wrinkles for maiking whiskers and honeycombs , because the glue remains



dried LVC with wrinkles for whiskers


5.keep wrinkles for whiskers and honeycombs


and, wearing long time(about 6months to 2years) without washing.

When taking  LVC off , put on a hanger to keep wrinkles for whiskers and honeycombs.



Train Tracks

 I think it is dificult to make train tracks on  raw levis LVC , if the glue remain.

There is not enough hardness to make train tracks .


But , I think taht train tracks is important feature of selvage denim .

Now , I am testing starching on LVC selvage to be harder . 


 laundry glue(starch) only on selvage

I still don't know the result . 



 I think it is not easy to make  roping of raw LVC , because orijinarl hem stitch dosen't make by UNION SPECIAL 43200G .

My LVC jeans remain with orijinal hem .


Best way of  roping is hemming by UNION SPECIAL 43200G .

In Japan , there are several shop that can take a hem by UNION SPECIAL 43200G .

I don't know possible shop in other countries . 


I hope you understand that this is not established method , but my method and opinon , and I'm not good at english . 

thank you